View Menu
- Go To Navigate between pages and views by choosing from one of the following menu items:
- First Page (Home) Navigate to the first page.
- Previous Page
(PgUp) Navigate to the previous page.
- Next Page
(PgDown) Navigate to the next page.
- Last Page (End) Navigate to the last page.
- Go to page…
(Ctrl+Alt+G) Navigate to a specific page.
- Next View
Navigate to the next document view.
- Previous View
Navigate to the previous document view.
- Zoom Increase or decrease page size by choosing from one of the following menu items:
- Zoom In
(Ctrl++) Increase the size of the content.
- Actual Size
(Ctrl+0) Display content at 100% scale.
- Zoom Out
(Ctrl+-) Decrease the size of the content.
- Page Display Change view scale of the document by choosing from one of the following menu items:
- Fit Page
(Ctrl+1) Scale page to fit window height.
- Fit Width
(Ctrl+2) Scale page to fit window width.
- Facing Pages (Ctrl+3) Display two pages simultaneously for multi-page PDF files (for documents with two or more pages).
- Continuous
Enable infinite page scrolling.
- Show Cover Page During Facing Display the first image separately in Facing Pages view mode.
- Grid (Ctrl+U) Accurately line up text and objects in the document.
- Snap to Grid (Ctrl+Shift+U) Align text or an object with the nearest grid line when you move the object.
- Replace document colors Change document colors to the colors set in the Tools > Setting > Display menu.
- Rotate 90 degrees Clockwise
Rotate the document 90 degrees clockwise.
- Rotate 90 degrees Counterclockwise
Rotate the document 90 degrees counterclockwise.
- Search Quickly find words or phrases in the document. Choose from one of the following menu items:
- Find (Ctrl+F) Search for words and phrases in the document.
- Find Next (F3) Find the next word or phrase that matches the search pattern.
- Find Previous (Shift+F3) Find the previous word or phrase that matches the search pattern.
- Navigation Panels Show/hide one of the panels: Document Only, Pages, Bookmarks, Attachment, Search, Object TreeView, Signatures, Layers.
- Object Inspector (Ctrl+11) Show/hide the Object Inspector.
- Menu (F12) Show/hide the Main Menu.
- Full Screen (F11) Maximize the window to occupy the entire computer screen and hide other elements.
- Toolbars Show/hide one of the available toolbars: Main, Edit, View, Zoom, Find, Toolbars, Tools, Forms, Objects, Comments, Redaction. You can also change toolbar settings by choosing one of the following menu items:
- Toolbar Settings Add or delete a toolbar, or reset toolbar settings to defaults.
- Reset toolbars Reset toolbar settings to defaults with minimum and maximum tool collection.
- Status Bar Show/hide the status bar at the bottom of the window.
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Tools Menu
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