PDF Form Properties

You can set parameters and define actions for form fields in Objects Inspector.


Options Tab

Options tab contains individual settings for different form fields. Read More


Geometry Tab

  • Width and height — these items of Geometry tab allow to specify size of single or multiple forms at once. To do it, select required form(s) and specify the data in corresponding items.

P.SGeometry tab displays settings for active form only. If a number of forms were selected simultaneously, no active form will be chosen and settings won’t be displayed in Object Inspector.

  • Left — distance from left page border to the left border of the form.
  • Top — distance from top page border to the top border of the form.
  • Coordinates — sets offset when aligning forms with settings in left and top items. Coordinates can be absolute or relative.
    • Relative — when aligning forms using top and/or left items distance between forms remains same.
    • Absolute — when aligning all forms will be moved irregularly and will be positioned in coordinate point set in top and/or left items.
  • Maintain aspect ratio — if enabled, form’s aspect ratio isn’t changed when its height and width are being modified.


General Tab

  • Name — unique form name. Required for correct form fields data import and export.
  • ToolTip — text which will appear in pop up menu when hovering mouse cursor over the form.
  • Orientation — data orientation in the form (for all form fields except for links).
  • Form Field — option of form field display on screen and when printing. Has 4 options: visible; hidden; visible, but not printable; printable, but not visible.
  • Read Only — if enabled, form won’t be used for filling and users will only be able to view data displayed in this field.
  • Required — if enabled, form will be required for filling. This item can be enabled for all kinds of form fields except for List and Push Button.

P.SFor your comfort, Master PDF Editor allows to highlight all forms required for filling. Use main menu to choose Tools > Settings > Forms (see Forms Tab).

  • Locked — if enabled, the application won’t allow fill this PDF form.


Appearance Tab

  • Line Style — style of lines framing the form. Options: solid, dashed, beveled, inset, underline.
  • Line Thickness — thickness of lines framing the form. Options: thin, medium, thick.
  • Fill Color — color of form fill.
  • Border Color — color of lines bordering the form.

Object Inspector allows to specify size, color and font family for records in all form fields except for check boxes and radio buttons. Records themselves are specified in Options tab.

  • Size — records font size. If set to Auto, font size will be changed accordingly to the form’s size.
  • Color — records font color.
  • Font — records font family.


Actions tab

Actions tab allows setting a kind of action and a trigger, which has to be activated in order for the action to be performed.

Trigger item is used to activate actions. Specify a kind of event which must be initiated by a user for a defined action to be performed. The following events can be set as a trigger:

  • Mouse Down — activates when a form is pushed down with the left mouse button.
  • Mouse Up — activates when a user pushes a form with the left mouse button and then releases it.
  • Mouse Enter — activates when a user hovers the cursor over a form.
  • Mouse Exit — activates when a user hovers the cursor over a form and then moves the cursor away from it.
  • On Receive Focus — activates when a form area gains focus through tabbing or a mouse action.
  • On Lose Focus — activates when a form loses focus.

If it is needed, several triggers can be selected for a form and each of them can have a few actions assigned to it.

P.SFor Link only a kind of action can be set. For Signature actions and triggers are not defined.

Action item allows specifying a kind of action to be performed after a trigger is fired: Goto a Page View, Open/execute a File, Open a web link, Reset form, Show/Hide fields, Submit a form, Run a JavaScript.

Choose the required trigger and specify action to be performed. Press Add button. This will pop up a dialog window, which allows specifying data depending on Action option.

  • Goto a Page View — set page number and scale.
  • Open/execute a File — opens or launches local file from the drive. Input file name or press Browse button to choose a file in dialog window.
  • Open a web link — opens link in default web browser. Specify a link in dialog window.
  • Reset form — resets form values in the document. Default values will be set or form fields will be emptied.
  • Show/Hide fields — hides or shows a form, specified in dialog window.
  • Submit a form — sends data of chosen forms in specified formats. Currently Master PDF Editor allows to send data only in FDF formats. Data can be saved to local file or sent with FTP or HTTP. (File delivery via email is currently not supported in Master PDF Editor)
    • When saving data to local file specify file name or choose it in dialog window with Browse button.
    • When sending to FTP server specify server address, user name and password if required. Otherwise enable Anonymous checkbox.
    • When sending to HTTP or HTTPS server, specify server address.
  • Run a JavaScript — execution of your JavaScript code.


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