File Menu

  • New  Create a new document by choosing from one of the following menu options:
    • Blank PDF (Ctrl+N)  Create a blank document.
    • From Files   Create a new PDF from files, or insert other files or pages into the document.
    • From Scanner   Create a new document using a scanner.
  • Open (Ctrl+O)  Open one or multiple PDF, FDF, XPS, or TIFF files.
  • Reload   Reload the current file from a disk. It’s useful if the document is changed externally.
  • Recent Files  View a list of recently opened and/or modified files. Clear the list by choosing Empty recent files list.
  • Sessions  Save opened documents as a session or open a saved session. A saved session restores the number and tab order of opened documents and the last saved modifications.
  • Save (Ctrl+S)  Save the current file.
  • Save As (Ctrl+Shift+S)  Save the current file under a different name and/or in a different location.
  • Save Optimized As (Ctrl+Alt+S)  Reduce the size of images in PDF files. Using all or only some of the optimization options depends on the planned file usage and its desired properties.
  • Export  Save the current document in other formats by choosing from one of the following menu options:
    • Pages to Images  Save the document as a collection of image files in BMP, JPG, PNG, or TIFF formats.
    • Pages to Text  Save the document in TXT format.
    • Pages to Excel  Save the document in XLS format.
    • Pages to CSV  Save the document as a text in CSV format.
    • Pages to Word  Save the document in DOC format.
    • Extract all Images Extract all images from the document and save them as separate files.
    • Convert to PDF/A Save the document in a format that meets the PDF/A ISO standard.
  • Email   Send the current file via email. Modified documents must be saved before sending.
  • Print (Ctrl+P)  Print the current file. This option will show the default print dialog box with advanced settings.
  • System Print…   Print using the system dialog box. This option will show a standard print dialog box, where you can set printing properties.
  • Properties (Ctrl+D)  View or change document properties.
  • Close (Ctrl+W)  Close the current document.
  • Exit (Ctrl+Q)  Close the application.

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