Create a custom page size.

Way described below is alternative and to be used only in exceptional cases.
Follow this link to find out how to create a custom page size default way:
ImagePrinter Pro – Basics

Windows 7 and Later

  • Start the Control Panel > System and Security > Administrative Tools
  • Open Print Management
  • Open – computer name
  • Click on Action menu Manage Forms…


  • Click Create a new form
  • Define width and height
  • Click OK


Create new page fom for Windows 10:

  • Start the ControlPanel/All Control Panel Items \Administrative Tools
  • Open Printer Management
  • Or Open Run by Windows+R, type printmanagement.msc and tap OK.

Please note that Printer Management is not present in Windows Home editions

  • Open Print Server
  • Right click Forms and choose Manage Forms… in context menu

  • Specify new forms parameters and press Ok